{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as 
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as ∥∥
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as []
open import Misc
open import Ends
open import Z

module Tricho {} {A B : Type } (DA : Discrete A) (DB : Discrete B) (isom : A × End  B × End) where

open import Arrows DA DB isom
open import Bracketing DA DB isom
open import Switch DA DB isom
open import Swapper DA DB isom

--- The trichotomy

-- data Tricho (a : Arrows) : Type ℓ where
  -- wb : well-bracketed a → Tricho a
  -- sw : switched a       → Tricho a
  -- sl : slope (start a)  → Tricho a

data Tricho (c : Chains) : Type  where
  wb : well-bracketed-chain c  Tricho c
  sw : switched-chain c        Tricho c
  sl : slope-chain c           Tricho c

  Tricho-isSet : (c : Chains)  isSet (Tricho c)
  Tricho-isSet c = subst isSet (sym lem) (isSet⊎ (isProp→isSet (well-bracketed-chain-isProp c)) (isSet⊎ (isProp→isSet (switched-chain-isProp c)) (isProp→isSet (slope-chain-isProp c))))
    lem : Tricho c  well-bracketed-chain c  (switched-chain c  slope-chain c)
    lem = ua (isoToEquiv i)
      i : Iso (Tricho c) (well-bracketed-chain c  (switched-chain c  slope-chain c))
      Iso.fun i (wb x) = inl x
      Iso.fun i (sw x) = inr (inl x)
      Iso.fun i (sl x) = inr (inr x)
      Iso.inv i (inl x) = wb x
      Iso.inv i (inr (inl x)) = sw x
      Iso.inv i (inr (inr x)) = sl x
      Iso.rightInv i (inl x) = refl
      Iso.rightInv i (inr (inl x)) = refl
      Iso.rightInv i (inr (inr x)) = refl
      Iso.leftInv i (wb x) = refl
      Iso.leftInv i (sw x) = refl
      Iso.leftInv i (sl x) = refl

-- using the LPO from there on...

import LPO as LPO

well-bracketed-isDec : (a : Arrows)  Dec (well-bracketed a)
well-bracketed-isDec a = well-bracketed-end-isDec (fw a)
  well-bracketed-end-isDec : (a : Ends)  Dec (well-bracketed-end a)
  well-bracketed-end-isDec a = LPO.DecΠℤ  n  matched (arrow (iterate n a)))  _  matched-isProp _)  _  matched-isDec _)

switched-isDec : (a : Arrows)  Dec (switched a)
switched-isDec a = switched-end-isDec (fw a)
  switched-end-isDec : (a : Ends)  Dec (switched-end a)
  switched-end-isDec a = LPO.DecΣℤ (switched-end-at a) (switched-end-at-isDec a)

¬∀⇒∃¬ : { : Level} (P :   Type )  ((n : )  Dec (P n))  ¬ ((n : )  P n)  Σ   n  ¬ (P n))
¬∀⇒∃¬ P D N = Dec→NNE (LPO.DecΣℤ _  n  Dec¬ (D n))) (¬∀¬¬⇒¬¬∃¬ λ ¬¬P  N λ n  Dec→NNE (D n) (¬¬P n))

tricho : (c : Chains)  Tricho c
tricho c =
  [].elim Tricho-isSet T T≡ c
  T : (a : Arrows)  Tricho [ a ]
  T a with well-bracketed-isDec a
  ... | yes iswb = wb iswb
  ... | no ¬wb with switched-isDec a
  ... | yes issw = sw issw
  ... | no ¬sw = sl (¬switched⇒sequential a ¬sw ,  ¬∀⇒∃¬ _  n  matched-isDec _) ¬wb ∣₁)
  T≡ : (a b : Arrows) (r :  reachable-arr a b ∥₁)  PathP  i  Tricho (eq/ a b r i)) (T a) (T b)
  T≡ a b r with well-bracketed-isDec a | well-bracketed-isDec b
  ... | yes awb | yes bwb = toPathP (cong wb (well-bracketed-chain-isProp [ b ] _ bwb))
  ... | yes awb | no b¬wb = ⊥.rec (b¬wb (transport (well-bracketed-indep a b (reachable-arr-reveal r)) awb))
  ... | no a¬wb | yes bwb = ⊥.rec (a¬wb (transport (sym (well-bracketed-indep a b (reachable-arr-reveal r))) bwb))
  ... | no a¬wb | no b¬wb with switched-isDec a | switched-isDec b
  ... | yes asw | yes bsw = toPathP (cong sw (switched-chain-isProp [ b ] _ bsw))
  ... | yes asw | no b¬sw = ⊥.rec (b¬sw (transport (switched-indep (reachable-arr-reveal r)) asw))
  ... | no a¬sw | yes bsw = ⊥.rec (a¬sw (transport (sym (switched-indep (reachable-arr-reveal r))) bsw))
  ... | no a¬sw | no b¬sw = toPathP (cong sl (slope-chain-isProp [ b ] _ _))