{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as ∥∥
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as []
open import Misc
open import Ends
open import Z
module Tricho {ℓ} {A B : Type ℓ} (DA : Discrete A) (DB : Discrete B) (isom : A × End ≃ B × End) where
open import Arrows DA DB isom
open import Bracketing DA DB isom
open import Switch DA DB isom
open import Swapper DA DB isom
data Tricho (c : Chains) : Type ℓ where
wb : well-bracketed-chain c → Tricho c
sw : switched-chain c → Tricho c
sl : slope-chain c → Tricho c
Tricho-isSet : (c : Chains) → isSet (Tricho c)
Tricho-isSet c = subst isSet (sym lem) (isSet⊎ (isProp→isSet (well-bracketed-chain-isProp c)) (isSet⊎ (isProp→isSet (switched-chain-isProp c)) (isProp→isSet (slope-chain-isProp c))))
lem : Tricho c ≡ well-bracketed-chain c ⊎ (switched-chain c ⊎ slope-chain c)
lem = ua (isoToEquiv i)
i : Iso (Tricho c) (well-bracketed-chain c ⊎ (switched-chain c ⊎ slope-chain c))
Iso.fun i (wb x) = inl x
Iso.fun i (sw x) = inr (inl x)
Iso.fun i (sl x) = inr (inr x)
Iso.inv i (inl x) = wb x
Iso.inv i (inr (inl x)) = sw x
Iso.inv i (inr (inr x)) = sl x
Iso.rightInv i (inl x) = refl
Iso.rightInv i (inr (inl x)) = refl
Iso.rightInv i (inr (inr x)) = refl
Iso.leftInv i (wb x) = refl
Iso.leftInv i (sw x) = refl
Iso.leftInv i (sl x) = refl
import LPO as LPO
well-bracketed-isDec : (a : Arrows) → Dec (well-bracketed a)
well-bracketed-isDec a = well-bracketed-end-isDec (fw a)
well-bracketed-end-isDec : (a : Ends) → Dec (well-bracketed-end a)
well-bracketed-end-isDec a = LPO.DecΠℤ (λ n → matched (arrow (iterate n a))) (λ _ → matched-isProp _) (λ _ → matched-isDec _)
switched-isDec : (a : Arrows) → Dec (switched a)
switched-isDec a = switched-end-isDec (fw a)
switched-end-isDec : (a : Ends) → Dec (switched-end a)
switched-end-isDec a = LPO.DecΣℤ (switched-end-at a) (switched-end-at-isDec a)
¬∀⇒∃¬ : {ℓ : Level} (P : ℤ → Type ℓ) → ((n : ℤ) → Dec (P n)) → ¬ ((n : ℤ) → P n) → Σ ℤ (λ n → ¬ (P n))
¬∀⇒∃¬ P D N = Dec→NNE (LPO.DecΣℤ _ (λ n → Dec¬ (D n))) (¬∀¬¬⇒¬¬∃¬ λ ¬¬P → N λ n → Dec→NNE (D n) (¬¬P n))
tricho : (c : Chains) → Tricho c
tricho c =
[].elim Tricho-isSet T T≡ c
T : (a : Arrows) → Tricho [ a ]
T a with well-bracketed-isDec a
... | yes iswb = wb iswb
... | no ¬wb with switched-isDec a
... | yes issw = sw issw
... | no ¬sw = sl (¬switched⇒sequential a ¬sw , ∣ ¬∀⇒∃¬ _ (λ n → matched-isDec _) ¬wb ∣₁)
T≡ : (a b : Arrows) (r : ∥ reachable-arr a b ∥₁) → PathP (λ i → Tricho (eq/ a b r i)) (T a) (T b)
T≡ a b r with well-bracketed-isDec a | well-bracketed-isDec b
... | yes awb | yes bwb = toPathP (cong wb (well-bracketed-chain-isProp [ b ] _ bwb))
... | yes awb | no b¬wb = ⊥.rec (b¬wb (transport (well-bracketed-indep a b (reachable-arr-reveal r)) awb))
... | no a¬wb | yes bwb = ⊥.rec (a¬wb (transport (sym (well-bracketed-indep a b (reachable-arr-reveal r))) bwb))
... | no a¬wb | no b¬wb with switched-isDec a | switched-isDec b
... | yes asw | yes bsw = toPathP (cong sw (switched-chain-isProp [ b ] _ bsw))
... | yes asw | no b¬sw = ⊥.rec (b¬sw (transport (switched-indep (reachable-arr-reveal r)) asw))
... | no a¬sw | yes bsw = ⊥.rec (a¬sw (transport (sym (switched-indep (reachable-arr-reveal r))) bsw))
... | no a¬sw | no b¬sw = toPathP (cong sl (slope-chain-isProp [ b ] _ _))