{-# OPTIONS --cubical --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
open import Cubical.Data.Unit renaming (Unit to ⊤)
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Z as ℤ hiding (_<_ ; _≤_ ; _≟_)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat as ℕ hiding (isZero)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
open import Nat as ℕ hiding (isZero)
open import Misc
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as ∥∥
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as []
open import Ends
module Switch {ℓ} {A B : Type ℓ} (DA : Discrete A) (DB : Discrete B) (isom : A × End ≃ B × End) where
open import Arrows DA DB isom
open import Bracketing DA DB isom
switch : Arrows → Type₀
switch a =
(¬ (matched a)) ×
Σ ℕ (λ n →
let b = iterate (fromℕ n) (bw a) in
(end b ≡ src) ×
(¬ (matched (arrow b))) ×
((k : ℕ) → suc k < n → matched (arrow (iterate (fromℕ (suc k)) (bw a))))
switch-isDec : (a : Arrows) → Dec (switch a)
switch-isDec a = Dec× (Dec¬ (matched-isDec a)) (LPO.DecΣℕ _ (λ n → Dec× (DiscreteEnd _ _) (Dec× (Dec¬ (matched-isDec _)) (DecΠ≤' _ (λ n → matched-isDec _) n))))
DecΠ≤' : {ℓ : Level} (P : ℕ → Type ℓ) → ((n : ℕ) → Dec (P n)) → (n : ℕ) → Dec ((k : ℕ) → suc k < n → P k)
DecΠ≤' P D n with DecΠ≤ P D n
... | yes p = yes λ k sk<n → p k (<-trans Cubical.Data.Nat.Order.≤-refl sk<n)
... | no ¬p = {!!}
import LPO
switch-isProp : (a : Arrows) → isProp (switch a)
switch-isProp a (m , n , e , b , l) (m' , n' , e' , b' , l') i =
isPropΠ (λ _ → isProp⊥) m m' i ,
n≡n' i ,
isSet→isSet' End-isSet e e' (cong (λ n → end (iterate (fromℕ n) (bw a))) n≡n') refl i ,
b≡b' i ,
l≡l' i
isZero : (n : ℕ) → (n ≡ ℕ.zero) ⊎ (Σ ℕ (λ k → n ≡ suc k))
isZero ℕ.zero = inl refl
isZero (suc n) = inr (n , refl)
n≡n' : n ≡ n'
n≡n' with n ≟ n'
n≡n' | lt n<n' with isZero n
n≡n' | lt n<n' | inl n≡0 = ⊥.rec (src≢tgt (sym (cong (λ n → end (iterate (fromℕ n) (bw a))) (sym n≡0) ∙ e)))
n≡n' | lt n<n' | inr (n'' , n≡sn'') = ⊥.rec (b ma)
ma : matched (arrow (iterate (fromℕ n) (bw a)))
ma = subst (λ n → matched (arrow (iterate (fromℕ n) (bw a)))) (sym n≡sn'') (l' n'' (subst (λ n → n < n') n≡sn'' n<n'))
n≡n' | eq n≡n' = n≡n'
n≡n' | gt n'<n with isZero n'
n≡n' | gt n'<n | inl n'≡0 = ⊥.rec (src≢tgt (sym (cong (λ n' → end (iterate (fromℕ n') (bw a))) (sym n'≡0) ∙ e')))
n≡n' | gt n'<n | inr (n'' , n'≡sn'') = ⊥.rec (b' ma)
ma : matched (arrow (iterate (fromℕ n') (bw a)))
ma = subst (λ n' → matched (arrow (iterate (fromℕ n') (bw a)))) (sym n'≡sn'') (l n'' (subst (λ n' → n' < n) n'≡sn'' n'<n))
b≡b' : PathP (λ j → ¬ (matched (arrow (iterate (fromℕ (n≡n' j)) (bw a))))) b b'
b≡b' = toPathP (isPropΠ (λ _ → isProp⊥) _ _)
l≡l' : PathP (λ i → ((k : ℕ) → suc k < n≡n' i → matched (arrow (iterate (fromℕ (suc k)) (bw a))))) l l'
l≡l' = toPathP (isPropΠ2 (λ k _ → matched-isProp (arrow (iterate (fromℕ (suc k)) (bw a)))) _ _)
switched-end-at : dArrows → ℤ → Type ℓ
switched-end-at e₀ n =
let e = iterate n e₀ in
in-left (arrow e) × switch (arrow e)
switched-end-at-isDec : (a : dArrows) (n : ℤ) → Dec (switched-end-at a n)
switched-end-at-isDec a n = Dec× {!!} {!!}
switched-end : dArrows → Type ℓ
switched-end e₀ = Σ ℤ (switched-end-at e₀)
switched-end-isProp : (a : dArrows) → isProp (switched-end a)
switched-end-isProp a (n , l , s) (n' , l' , s') with n ℤ.≟ n'
... | lt n<n' = {!!}
... | eq n≡n' = ΣPathP (n≡n' , (toPathP (ΣPathP (in-left-isProp _ _ _ , switch-isProp _ _ _))))
... | gt n'<n = {!!}
switched-end-indep : {a b : dArrows} (r : reachable a b) → switched-end a ≡ switched-end b
switched-end-indep {a} {b} (nr , r) = ua (isoToEquiv i)
i : Iso (switched-end a) (switched-end b)
Iso.fun i (n , l , s) = (ℤ.neg nr ℤ.+ n) , subst (in-left ∘ arrow) (sym p) l , subst switch (cong arrow (sym p)) s
p =
iterate (ℤ.neg nr ℤ.+ n) b ≡⟨ cong (iterate (ℤ.neg nr ℤ.+ n)) (sym r) ⟩
iterate (ℤ.neg nr ℤ.+ n) (iterate nr a) ≡⟨ iterate-+ nr _ _ ⟩
iterate (nr ℤ.+ (ℤ.neg nr ℤ.+ n)) a ≡⟨ cong (λ n → iterate n a) (ℤ.+-assoc nr _ _) ⟩
iterate ((nr ℤ.+ ℤ.neg nr) ℤ.+ n) a ≡⟨ cong (λ m → iterate (m ℤ.+ n) a) (n-n≡0 nr) ⟩
iterate (ℤ.zero ℤ.+ n) a ≡⟨ cong (λ n → iterate n a) (ℤ.zero-+ n) ⟩
iterate n a ∎
Iso.inv i (n , l , s) = (nr ℤ.+ n) , subst (in-left ∘ arrow) p l , subst switch (cong arrow p) s
p =
iterate n b ≡⟨ cong (iterate n) (sym r) ⟩
iterate n (iterate nr a) ≡⟨ iterate-+ nr n a ⟩
iterate (nr ℤ.+ n) a ∎
Iso.rightInv i (n , l , s) = Σ≡Prop (λ _ → isProp× (in-left-isProp _) (switch-isProp _)) p
p =
ℤ.neg nr ℤ.+ (nr ℤ.+ n) ≡⟨ ℤ.+-assoc (ℤ.neg nr) _ _ ⟩
(ℤ.neg nr ℤ.+ nr) ℤ.+ n ≡⟨ cong₂ ℤ._+_ (neg+≡0 nr) refl ⟩
ℤ.zero ℤ.+ n ≡⟨ ℤ.zero-+ n ⟩
n ∎
Iso.leftInv i (n , l , s) = Σ≡Prop (λ _ → isProp× (in-left-isProp _) (switch-isProp _)) p
p =
nr ℤ.+ (ℤ.neg nr ℤ.+ n) ≡⟨ ℤ.+-assoc nr _ _ ⟩
(nr ℤ.+ ℤ.neg nr) ℤ.+ n ≡⟨ cong₂ ℤ._+_ (+neg≡0 nr) refl ⟩
ℤ.zero ℤ.+ n ≡⟨ ℤ.zero-+ n ⟩
n ∎
switched-end-op : (a : dArrows) → switched-end (op a) ≡ switched-end a
switched-end-op a = ua (isoToEquiv i)
F : (a : dArrows) → switched-end (op a) → switched-end a
F a (n , l , s) = ℤ.neg n , subst in-left p l , subst switch p s
p : arrow (iterate n (op a)) ≡ arrow (iterate (neg n) a)
p = cong arrow (iterate-op n a)
i : Iso (switched-end (op a)) (switched-end a)
Iso.fun i = F a
Iso.inv i s = F (op a) (subst switched-end (sym (op-op a)) s)
Iso.rightInv i (n , l , s) = Σ≡Prop (λ _ → isProp× (in-left-isProp _) (switch-isProp _)) (ℤ.neg-neg n)
Iso.leftInv i (n , l , s) = Σ≡Prop (λ _ → isProp× (in-left-isProp _) (switch-isProp _)) (ℤ.neg-neg n)
switched-end-chain : dChains → Type ℓ
switched-end-chain c = fst T
T : hProp ℓ
T = [].elim (λ _ → isSetHProp) (λ a → switched-end a , switched-end-isProp a) (λ a b r → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → isPropIsProp) (switched-end-indep (reachable-reveal r))) c
switched : Arrows → Type ℓ
switched a = switched-end (fw a)
switched-isProp : (a : Arrows) → isProp (switched a)
switched-isProp a = switched-end-isProp (fw a)
switched-indep : {a b : Arrows} (r : reachable-arr a b) → switched a ≡ switched b
switched-indep {a} {b} r with reachable-arr→reachable r
... | inl r' = switched-end-indep r'
... | inr r' = switched-end-indep r' ∙ p
p =
switched-end (bw b) ≡⟨ switched-end-op (fw b) ⟩
switched-end (fw b) ∎
switched-chain-hProp : Chains → hProp ℓ
switched-chain-hProp c = [].elim (λ _ → isSetHProp) (λ a → switched a , switched-isProp a) indep c
indep : (a b : Arrows) (r : is-reachable-arr a b) → _≡_ {A = hProp ℓ} (switched a , switched-isProp a) (switched b , switched-isProp b)
indep = (λ a b r → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → isPropIsProp) (switched-indep (reachable-arr-reveal r)))
switched-chain : Chains → Type ℓ
switched-chain c = fst (switched-chain-hProp c)
switched-chain-isProp : (c : Chains) → isProp (switched-chain c)
switched-chain-isProp c = snd (switched-chain-hProp c)
switched-element : (c : Chains) → switched-chain c → elements c
switched-element c = [].elim
{P = λ c → switched-chain c → elements c}
(λ c → isSetΠ (λ _ → elements-isSet c))
el : (a : Arrows) → switched-chain [ a ] → elements [ a ]
el a (n , _) = arrow (iterate n (fw a)) , sym (eq/ _ _ ∣ n , refl ∣₁)
el-indep : (a b : Arrows) (r : is-reachable-arr a b) → PathP (λ i → switched-chain (eq/ a b r i) → elements (eq/ a b r i)) (el a) (el b)
el-indep a b r = toPathP (funExt (λ sw → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → Chains-isSet _ _) (p sw)))
p = λ (sw : switched-chain [ b ]) →
transport (λ i → Arrows) (fst (el a (subst switched-chain (sym (eq/ a b r)) sw))) ≡⟨ transportRefl _ ⟩
el a (subst switched-chain (sym (eq/ a b r)) sw) . fst ≡⟨ refl ⟩
arrow (iterate (fst (subst switched-chain (sym (eq/ a b r)) sw)) (fw a)) ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩
arrow (iterate (fst sw) (fw b)) ≡⟨ refl ⟩
el b sw .fst ∎
sequential : dArrows → Type₀
sequential o = ((m n : ℤ) →
let a = iterate m o in
let b = iterate n o in
¬ (matched (arrow a)) → ¬ (matched (arrow b)) → end a ≡ end b)
sequential-isProp : (a : dArrows) → isProp (sequential a)
sequential-isProp a = isPropΠ λ _ → isPropΠ λ _ → isPropΠ λ _ → isPropΠ λ _ → End-isSet _ _
sequential-op : (a : dArrows) → sequential (op a) ≡ sequential a
sequential-op a = ua (isoToEquiv i)
F : (a : dArrows) → sequential (op a) → sequential a
F a s n n' nm nm' = subst₂ _≡_ (p n a) (p n' a) (cong st (s (ℤ.neg n) (ℤ.neg n') (λ m → nm (subst (matched ∘ arrow)(iterate-neg-op n a) m)) λ m → nm' (subst (matched ∘ arrow) (iterate-neg-op n' a) m)))
p : (n : ℤ) (a : dArrows) → st (end (iterate (neg n) (op a))) ≡ end (iterate n a)
p n a = cong (st ∘ end) (iterate-neg-op n a) ∙ st² (end (iterate n a))
i : Iso (sequential (op a)) (sequential a)
Iso.fun i = F a
Iso.inv i s = F (op a) (subst sequential (sym (op-op a)) s)
Iso.rightInv i s = sequential-isProp _ _ _
Iso.leftInv i s = sequential-isProp _ _ _
¬switched⇒sequential : (a : Arrows) → ¬ (switched a) → sequential (fw a)
¬switched⇒sequential a ¬sw m n ¬m ¬n with toSingl (end (iterate m (fw a))) | toSingl (end (iterate n (fw a))) | m ℤ.≟ n
... | src , x | src , y | w = x ∙ sym y
... | src , x | tgt , y | lt w = ⊥.rec {!!}
... | src , x | tgt , y | eq w = ⊥.rec (subst fib (sym ((sym x) ∙ cong (λ k → snd (iterate k (a , src))) w ∙ y)) tt)
fib : End → Type₀
fib src = ⊥
fib tgt = ⊤
... | src , x | tgt , y | gt w = ⊥.rec {!!}
... | tgt , x | src , y | lt w = ⊥.rec {!!}
... | tgt , x | src , y | eq w = ⊥.rec (subst fib ((sym x) ∙ cong (λ k → snd (iterate k (a , src))) w ∙ y) tt)
fib : End → Type₀
fib src = ⊥
fib tgt = ⊤
... | tgt , x | src , y | gt w = ⊥.rec {!!}
... | tgt , x | tgt , y | w = x ∙ sym y
sequential-chain-hP : Chains → hProp ℓ-zero
sequential-chain-hP c = [].elim (λ _ → isSetHProp) (λ a → sequential (fw a) , sequential-isProp _) indep c
indep : (a b : Arrows) (r : is-reachable-arr a b) → _≡_ {A = hProp ℓ-zero} (sequential (fw a) , sequential-isProp (fw a)) (sequential (fw b) , sequential-isProp (fw b))
indep a b r = Σ≡Prop (λ _ → isPropIsProp) (ua (isoToEquiv i))
i : Iso (sequential (fw a)) (sequential (fw b))
i = iso h k sec ret
h : sequential (fw a) → sequential (fw b)
h seqa m n ¬m ¬n = {!!}
k : sequential (fw b) → sequential (fw a)
k seqb m n ¬m ¬n = {!!}
sec : section h k
sec = {!!}
ret : retract h k
ret = {!!}
sequential-chain : Chains → Type₀
sequential-chain c = fst (sequential-chain-hP c)
sequential-chain-isProp : (c : Chains) → isProp (sequential-chain c)
sequential-chain-isProp c = snd (sequential-chain-hP c)
non-matched : dArrows → Type₀
non-matched a = Σ ℤ (λ n → ¬ (matched (arrow (iterate n a))))
sequential→same-orientation : {o : Arrows} → sequential (fw o) → (ma mb : non-matched (fw o)) →
reachable-arr (arrow (iterate (fst ma) (fw o))) (arrow (iterate (fst mb) (fw o))) →
reachable (iterate (fst ma) (fw o)) (orient (arrow (iterate (fst mb) (fw o))) (end (iterate (fst ma) (fw o))))
sequential→same-orientation {o} seq ma mb = re
na : ℤ
na = fst ma
nb : ℤ
nb = fst mb
a : dArrows
a = iterate (fst ma) (fw o)
b : dArrows
b = iterate (fst mb) (fw o)
ra : reachable (fw o) a
ra = na , refl
rb : reachable (fw o) b
rb = nb , refl
rab : reachable a b
rab = reachable-trans (reachable-sym ra) rb
eab : end a ≡ end b
eab = seq na nb (snd ma) (snd mb)
re : reachable-arr (arrow a) (arrow b) → reachable a (orient (arrow b) (end a))
re r = subst (reachable a ∘ orient (arrow b)) (sym eab) rab
non-matched-indep : {a b : dArrows} (r : reachable a b) → non-matched b → non-matched a
non-matched-indep {a} (n , r) (m , nm) = n ℤ.+ m , N
N : ¬ matched (arrow (iterate (n ℤ.+ m) a))
N = λ im → nm (subst (matched ∘ fst) (sym (iterate-+ n m a) ∙ cong (iterate m) r) im )
non-matched-op : (a : dArrows) → non-matched (op a) ≡ non-matched a
non-matched-op a = ua (isoToEquiv i)
i : Iso (non-matched (op a)) (non-matched a)
Iso.fun i (n , r) = ℤ.neg n , (λ m → r (subst (matched ∘ fst) (sym (iterate-op n a)) m))
Iso.inv i (n , r) = ℤ.neg n , (λ m → r (subst (matched ∘ fst) (sym (iterate-op n (op a)) ∙ cong (iterate n) (op-op a)) m))
Iso.rightInv i (n , r) = Σ≡Prop (λ _ → isProp¬ _) (ℤ.neg-neg n)
Iso.leftInv i (n , r) = Σ≡Prop (λ _ → isProp¬ _) (ℤ.neg-neg n)
non-matched-indep² : {a b : dArrows} (r : reachable a b) (nm : non-matched b) → non-matched-indep (reachable-sym r) (non-matched-indep r nm) ≡ nm
non-matched-indep² (n , r) (m , nm) = Σ≡Prop (λ _ → isProp¬ _) (ℤ.+-assoc (ℤ.neg n) n m ∙ cong (λ k → k ℤ.+ m) (ℤ.neg+≡0 n) ∙ ℤ.zero-+ m)
is-non-matched : dArrows → Type₀
is-non-matched a = ∥ non-matched a ∥₁
is-non-matched-isProp : (a : dArrows) → isProp (is-non-matched a)
is-non-matched-isProp a = isPropPropTrunc
non-matched-chain-hP : Chains → hProp ℓ-zero
non-matched-chain-hP c = [].elim (λ _ → isSetHProp) (λ a → is-non-matched (fw a) , is-non-matched-isProp (fw a)) indep c
indep : (a b : Arrows) (r : is-reachable-arr a b) → _≡_ {A = hProp ℓ-zero} (is-non-matched (fw a) , is-non-matched-isProp (fw a)) (is-non-matched (fw b) , is-non-matched-isProp (fw b))
indep a b r = Σ≡Prop (λ _ → isPropIsProp) (ua (isoToEquiv i))
i : Iso (is-non-matched (fw a)) (is-non-matched (fw b))
i = iso h k sec ret
h : is-non-matched (fw a) → is-non-matched (fw b)
h ¬a = ∣ {!!} , {!!} ∣₁
k : is-non-matched (fw b) → is-non-matched (fw a)
k ¬b = ∣ {!!} , {!!} ∣₁
sec : section h k
sec = {!!}
ret : retract h k
ret = {!!}
non-matched-chain : (c : Chains) → Type₀
non-matched-chain c = fst (non-matched-chain-hP c)
non-matched-chain-isProp : (c : Chains) → isProp (non-matched-chain c)
non-matched-chain-isProp c = snd (non-matched-chain-hP c)
slope : dArrows → Type₀
slope a = sequential a × is-non-matched a
slope-chain : Chains → Type₀
slope-chain c = sequential-chain c × non-matched-chain c
slope-chain-isProp : (c : Chains) → isProp (slope-chain c)
slope-chain-isProp c = isProp× (sequential-chain-isProp c) (non-matched-chain-isProp c)