{-# OPTIONS --cubical --allow-unsolved-metas #-}

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as 
open import Cubical.Data.Unit renaming (Unit to )
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Z as  hiding (_<_ ; _≤_ ; _≟_)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat as  hiding (isZero)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
open import Nat as  hiding (isZero)
open import Misc
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as ∥∥
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as []

open import Ends

module Switch {} {A B : Type } (DA : Discrete A) (DB : Discrete B) (isom : A × End  B × End) where

open import Arrows DA DB isom
open import Bracketing DA DB isom

--- Switched and slope chains

switch : Arrows  Type₀
switch a =
  (¬ (matched a)) ×
  Σ   n 
    let b = iterate (fromℕ n) (bw a) in
    -- b is in opposite direction
    (end b  src) ×
    -- b is not bracketed
    (¬ (matched (arrow b))) ×
    -- all intermediate elements are bracketed
    ((k : )  suc k < n  matched (arrow (iterate (fromℕ (suc k)) (bw a))))

switch-isDec : (a : Arrows)  Dec (switch a)
switch-isDec a = Dec× (Dec¬ (matched-isDec a)) (LPO.DecΣℕ _  n  Dec× (DiscreteEnd _ _) (Dec× (Dec¬ (matched-isDec _)) (DecΠ≤' _  n  matched-isDec _) n))))
  -- easy variant of DecΠ≤
  DecΠ≤' : { : Level} (P :   Type )  ((n : )  Dec (P n))  (n : )  Dec ((k : )  suc k < n  P k)
  DecΠ≤' P D n with DecΠ≤ P D n
  ... | yes p = yes λ k sk<n  p k (<-trans Cubical.Data.Nat.Order.≤-refl sk<n)
  ... | no ¬p = {!!}
  import LPO

switch-isProp : (a : Arrows)  isProp (switch a)
switch-isProp a (m , n , e , b , l) (m' , n' , e' , b' , l') i =
  isPropΠ  _  isProp⊥) m m' i ,
  n≡n' i ,
  isSet→isSet' End-isSet e e' (cong  n  end (iterate (fromℕ n) (bw a))) n≡n') refl i ,
  b≡b' i ,
  l≡l' i
  isZero : (n : )  (n  ℕ.zero)  (Σ   k  n  suc k))
  isZero ℕ.zero = inl refl
  isZero (suc n) = inr (n , refl)
  n≡n' : n  n'
  n≡n' with n  n'
  n≡n' | lt n<n' with isZero n
  n≡n' | lt n<n' | inl n≡0 = ⊥.rec (src≢tgt (sym (cong  n  end (iterate (fromℕ n) (bw a))) (sym n≡0)  e)))
  n≡n' | lt n<n' | inr (n'' , n≡sn'') = ⊥.rec (b ma)
    ma : matched (arrow (iterate (fromℕ n) (bw a)))
    ma = subst  n  matched (arrow (iterate (fromℕ n) (bw a)))) (sym n≡sn'') (l' n'' (subst  n  n < n') n≡sn'' n<n'))
  n≡n' | eq n≡n' = n≡n'
  n≡n' | gt n'<n with isZero n'
  n≡n' | gt n'<n | inl n'≡0 = ⊥.rec (src≢tgt (sym (cong  n'  end (iterate (fromℕ n') (bw a))) (sym n'≡0)  e')))
  n≡n' | gt n'<n | inr (n'' , n'≡sn'') = ⊥.rec (b' ma)
    ma : matched (arrow (iterate (fromℕ n') (bw a)))
    ma = subst  n'  matched (arrow (iterate (fromℕ n') (bw a)))) (sym n'≡sn'') (l n'' (subst  n'  n' < n) n'≡sn'' n'<n))
  b≡b' : PathP  j  ¬ (matched (arrow (iterate (fromℕ (n≡n' j)) (bw a))))) b b'
  b≡b' = toPathP (isPropΠ  _  isProp⊥) _ _)
  l≡l' : PathP  i  ((k : )  suc k < n≡n' i  matched (arrow (iterate (fromℕ (suc k)) (bw a))))) l l'
  l≡l' = toPathP (isPropΠ2  k _  matched-isProp (arrow (iterate (fromℕ (suc k)) (bw a)))) _ _)

switched-end-at : dArrows    Type 
switched-end-at e₀ n =
  let e = iterate n e₀ in
  -- we have to suppose that this is left, otherwise we have two witnesses
  -- (one in A, one in B) and we don't have a proposition anymore
  in-left (arrow e) × switch (arrow e)

switched-end-at-isDec : (a : dArrows) (n : )  Dec (switched-end-at a n)
switched-end-at-isDec a n = Dec× {!!} {!!}

-- the chain of an arrow is switched
switched-end : dArrows  Type 
switched-end e₀ = Σ  (switched-end-at e₀)

-- being switched is a proposition
switched-end-isProp : (a : dArrows)  isProp (switched-end a)
switched-end-isProp a (n , l , s) (n' , l' , s') with n ℤ.≟ n'
... | lt n<n' = {!!} -- combinatorial argument
... | eq n≡n' = ΣPathP (n≡n' , (toPathP (ΣPathP (in-left-isProp _ _ _ , switch-isProp _ _ _))))
... | gt n'<n = {!!} -- here also

-- being switched is independent of the starting point
switched-end-indep : {a b : dArrows} (r : reachable a b)  switched-end a  switched-end b
switched-end-indep {a} {b} (nr , r) = ua (isoToEquiv i)
  i : Iso (switched-end a) (switched-end b)
  Iso.fun i (n , l , s) = (ℤ.neg nr ℤ.+ n) , subst (in-left  arrow) (sym p) l , subst switch (cong arrow (sym p)) s
      p =
        iterate (ℤ.neg nr ℤ.+ n) b              ≡⟨ cong (iterate (ℤ.neg nr ℤ.+ n)) (sym r) 
        iterate (ℤ.neg nr ℤ.+ n) (iterate nr a) ≡⟨ iterate-+ nr _ _ 
        iterate (nr ℤ.+ (ℤ.neg nr ℤ.+ n)) a     ≡⟨ cong  n  iterate n a) (ℤ.+-assoc nr _ _) 
        iterate ((nr ℤ.+ ℤ.neg nr) ℤ.+ n) a     ≡⟨ cong  m  iterate (m ℤ.+ n) a) (n-n≡0 nr) 
        iterate (ℤ.zero ℤ.+ n) a                ≡⟨ cong  n  iterate n a) (ℤ.zero-+ n) 
        iterate n a                             
  Iso.inv i (n , l , s) = (nr ℤ.+ n) , subst (in-left  arrow) p l , subst switch (cong arrow p) s
      p =
        iterate n b              ≡⟨ cong (iterate n) (sym r) 
        iterate n (iterate nr a) ≡⟨ iterate-+ nr n a 
        iterate (nr ℤ.+ n) a     
  Iso.rightInv i (n , l , s) = Σ≡Prop  _  isProp× (in-left-isProp _) (switch-isProp _)) p
      p =
        ℤ.neg nr ℤ.+ (nr ℤ.+ n) ≡⟨ ℤ.+-assoc (ℤ.neg nr) _ _ 
        (ℤ.neg nr ℤ.+ nr) ℤ.+ n ≡⟨ cong₂ ℤ._+_ (neg+≡0 nr) refl 
        ℤ.zero ℤ.+ n            ≡⟨ ℤ.zero-+ n 
  Iso.leftInv i (n , l , s) = Σ≡Prop  _  isProp× (in-left-isProp _) (switch-isProp _)) p
      p =
        nr ℤ.+ (ℤ.neg nr ℤ.+ n) ≡⟨ ℤ.+-assoc nr _ _ 
        (nr ℤ.+ ℤ.neg nr) ℤ.+ n ≡⟨ cong₂ ℤ._+_ (+neg≡0 nr) refl 
        ℤ.zero ℤ.+ n            ≡⟨ ℤ.zero-+ n 

switched-end-op : (a : dArrows)  switched-end (op a)  switched-end a
switched-end-op a = ua (isoToEquiv i)
  F : (a : dArrows)  switched-end (op a)  switched-end a
  F a (n , l , s) = ℤ.neg n , subst in-left p l , subst switch p s
    p : arrow (iterate n (op a))  arrow (iterate (neg n) a)
    p = cong arrow (iterate-op n a)
  i : Iso (switched-end (op a)) (switched-end a)
  Iso.fun i = F a
  Iso.inv i s = F (op a) (subst switched-end (sym (op-op a)) s)
  Iso.rightInv i (n , l , s) = Σ≡Prop  _  isProp× (in-left-isProp _) (switch-isProp _)) (ℤ.neg-neg n)
  Iso.leftInv i (n , l , s) = Σ≡Prop  _  isProp× (in-left-isProp _) (switch-isProp _)) (ℤ.neg-neg n)

switched-end-chain : dChains  Type 
switched-end-chain c = fst T
  T : hProp 
  T = [].elim  _  isSetHProp)  a  switched-end a , switched-end-isProp a)  a b r  Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsProp) (switched-end-indep (reachable-reveal r))) c

switched : Arrows  Type 
switched a = switched-end (fw a)

switched-isProp : (a : Arrows)  isProp (switched a)
switched-isProp a = switched-end-isProp (fw a)

switched-indep : {a b : Arrows} (r : reachable-arr a b)  switched a  switched b
switched-indep {a} {b} r with reachable-arr→reachable r
... | inl r' = switched-end-indep r'
... | inr r' = switched-end-indep r'  p
  p =
    switched-end (bw b) ≡⟨ switched-end-op (fw b) 
    switched-end (fw b) 

switched-chain-hProp : Chains  hProp 
switched-chain-hProp c = [].elim  _  isSetHProp)  a  switched a , switched-isProp a) indep c
    indep : (a b : Arrows) (r : is-reachable-arr a b)  _≡_ {A = hProp } (switched a , switched-isProp a) (switched b , switched-isProp b)
    indep =  a b r  Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsProp) (switched-indep (reachable-arr-reveal r)))

switched-chain : Chains  Type 
switched-chain c = fst (switched-chain-hProp c)

switched-chain-isProp : (c : Chains)  isProp (switched-chain c)
switched-chain-isProp c = snd (switched-chain-hProp c)

-- Given a switched chain, we have a canonical element: the switching element
switched-element : (c : Chains)  switched-chain c  elements c
-- switched-element c sw = [].elim (λ c → elements-isSet c) (λ a → {!!}) (λ a b r → toPathP {!!}) c
switched-element c = [].elim
  {P = λ c  switched-chain c  elements c}
   c  isSetΠ  _  elements-isSet c))
    -- the element
    el : (a : Arrows)  switched-chain [ a ]  elements [ a ]
    el a (n , _) = arrow (iterate n (fw a)) , sym (eq/ _ _  n , refl ∣₁)
    -- the choice of the element is inependent of the fwing point
    el-indep : (a b : Arrows) (r : is-reachable-arr a b)  PathP  i  switched-chain (eq/ a b r i)  elements (eq/ a b r i)) (el a) (el b)
    el-indep a b r = toPathP (funExt  sw  Σ≡Prop  _  Chains-isSet _ _) (p sw)))
      p = λ (sw : switched-chain [ b ]) 
         transport  i  Arrows) (fst (el a (subst switched-chain (sym (eq/ a b r)) sw))) ≡⟨ transportRefl _ 
         el a (subst switched-chain (sym (eq/ a b r)) sw) . fst ≡⟨ refl 
         arrow (iterate (fst (subst switched-chain (sym (eq/ a b r)) sw)) (fw a)) ≡⟨ {!!} 
         arrow (iterate (fst sw) (fw b)) ≡⟨ refl 
         el b sw .fst 
-- all non-matched arrows are in the same direction
sequential : dArrows  Type₀
sequential o = ((m n : ) 
    let a = iterate m o in
    let b = iterate n o in
    ¬ (matched (arrow a))  ¬ (matched (arrow b))  end a  end b)

sequential-isProp : (a : dArrows)  isProp (sequential a)
sequential-isProp a = isPropΠ λ _  isPropΠ λ _  isPropΠ λ _  isPropΠ λ _  End-isSet _ _

sequential-op : (a : dArrows)  sequential (op a)  sequential a
sequential-op a = ua (isoToEquiv i)
  F : (a : dArrows)  sequential (op a)  sequential a
  F a s n n' nm nm' = subst₂ _≡_ (p n a) (p n' a) (cong st (s (ℤ.neg n) (ℤ.neg n')  m  nm (subst (matched  arrow)(iterate-neg-op n a) m)) λ m  nm' (subst (matched  arrow) (iterate-neg-op n' a) m)))
    p : (n : ) (a : dArrows)  st (end (iterate (neg n) (op a)))  end (iterate n a)
    p n a = cong (st  end) (iterate-neg-op n a)  st² (end (iterate n a))
  i : Iso (sequential (op a)) (sequential a)
  Iso.fun i = F a
  Iso.inv i s = F (op a) (subst sequential (sym (op-op a)) s)
  Iso.rightInv i s = sequential-isProp _ _ _
  Iso.leftInv i s = sequential-isProp _ _ _

¬switched⇒sequential : (a : Arrows)  ¬ (switched a)  sequential (fw a)
¬switched⇒sequential a ¬sw m n ¬m ¬n with toSingl (end (iterate m (fw a))) | toSingl (end (iterate n (fw a))) | m ℤ.≟ n
... | src , x | src , y | w = x  sym y
... | src , x | tgt , y | lt w = ⊥.rec {!!}--impossible case because either iterate m (a , src) or iterate n (a , src) will
--be matched, but we have a proof that they are not, namely ¬m and ¬n
... | src , x | tgt , y | eq w = ⊥.rec (subst fib (sym ((sym x)  cong  k  snd (iterate k (a , src))) w  y)) tt)
    fib : End  Type₀
    fib src =  
    fib tgt = 
... | src , x | tgt , y | gt w = ⊥.rec {!!}-- impossible case because then either iterate m (a , src) or iterate n (a , src) will
--be switch, but ¬sw is a proof that there is no switch arrow on the chain so we get a contradiction.
... | tgt , x | src , y | lt w = ⊥.rec {!!} --same as above (hole 3)
... | tgt , x | src , y | eq w = ⊥.rec (subst fib ((sym x)  cong  k  snd (iterate k (a , src))) w  y) tt)
    fib : End  Type₀
    fib src =  
    fib tgt = 
... | tgt , x | src , y | gt w = ⊥.rec {!!}--same as above (hole 4)
... | tgt , x | tgt , y | w = x  sym y

sequential-chain-hP : Chains  hProp ℓ-zero
sequential-chain-hP c = [].elim  _  isSetHProp)  a  sequential (fw a) , sequential-isProp _) indep c
    indep : (a b : Arrows) (r : is-reachable-arr a b)  _≡_ {A = hProp ℓ-zero} (sequential (fw a) , sequential-isProp (fw a)) (sequential (fw b) , sequential-isProp (fw b))
    indep a b r = Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsProp) (ua (isoToEquiv i))
        i : Iso (sequential (fw a)) (sequential (fw b))
        i = iso h k sec ret
          h : sequential (fw a)  sequential (fw b)
          h seqa m n ¬m ¬n = {!!} --sequential (the goal type)
          --is a proposition so we can eliminate r to obtain an integer j for which iterate j (fw a) = b.
          --by subst it is then sufficient to prove
          --end (iterate m (iterate j (fw a))) ≡ end (iterate n (iterate j (fw a)))
          --and so end (iterate m + j (fw a)) ≡ end (iterate n + j (fw a)))
          --because iterate is an action
          --but seqa (m + j) (n + j) ? ? give us a proof of that latter fact.
          --it remain to show the two ? which correspond to ¬ matched (arrow (iterate (n + j) (fw a)))
          -- and ¬ matched (arrow (iterate (m + j) (fw a))) but :
          -- ¬ matched (arrow (iterate (m + j) (fw a)) = ¬ matched (arrow (iterate m (fw b)))
          -- and ¬ matched (arrow (iterate (n + j) (fw a)) = ¬ matched (arrow (iterate n (fw b)))
          -- again because iterate j (fw a) = b
          -- so ¬n and ¬m give us the wanted proofs
          k : sequential (fw b)  sequential (fw a)
          k seqb m n ¬m ¬n = {!!} --same as above 
          sec : section h k
          sec = {!!}  --sequential is a prop so trivial
          ret : retract h k
          ret = {!!} --sequential is a prop so trivial
sequential-chain : Chains  Type₀
sequential-chain c = fst (sequential-chain-hP c)

sequential-chain-isProp : (c : Chains)  isProp (sequential-chain c)
sequential-chain-isProp c = snd (sequential-chain-hP c)

non-matched : dArrows  Type₀
non-matched a = Σ   n  ¬ (matched (arrow (iterate n a))))

-- when we are sequential if a and b are two reachable arrows then b can be reached with the same direction as a
sequential→same-orientation : {o : Arrows}  sequential (fw o)  (ma mb : non-matched (fw o)) 
                              reachable-arr (arrow (iterate (fst ma) (fw o))) (arrow (iterate (fst mb) (fw o))) 
                              reachable (iterate (fst ma) (fw o)) (orient (arrow (iterate (fst mb) (fw o))) (end (iterate (fst ma) (fw o))))
sequential→same-orientation {o} seq ma mb = re
  na : 
  na = fst ma
  nb : 
  nb = fst mb
  a : dArrows
  a = iterate (fst ma) (fw o)
  b : dArrows
  b = iterate (fst mb) (fw o)
  ra : reachable (fw o) a
  ra = na , refl
  rb : reachable (fw o) b
  rb = nb , refl
  rab : reachable a b
  rab = reachable-trans (reachable-sym ra) rb
  eab : end a  end b
  eab = seq na nb (snd ma) (snd mb)
  -- in a more readable way...
  re : reachable-arr (arrow a) (arrow b)  reachable a (orient (arrow b) (end a))
  re r = subst (reachable a  orient (arrow b)) (sym eab) rab

non-matched-indep : {a b : dArrows} (r : reachable a b)  non-matched b  non-matched a
non-matched-indep {a} (n , r) (m , nm) = n ℤ.+ m , N
    N : ¬ matched (arrow (iterate (n ℤ.+ m) a))
    N = λ im  nm (subst (matched  fst) (sym (iterate-+ n m a)  cong (iterate m) r) im )

non-matched-op : (a : dArrows)  non-matched (op a)  non-matched a
non-matched-op a = ua (isoToEquiv i)
  i : Iso (non-matched (op a)) (non-matched a)
  Iso.fun i (n , r) = ℤ.neg n ,  m  r (subst (matched  fst) (sym (iterate-op n a)) m))
  Iso.inv i (n , r) = ℤ.neg n ,  m  r (subst (matched  fst) (sym (iterate-op n (op a))  cong (iterate n) (op-op a)) m))
  Iso.rightInv i (n , r) = Σ≡Prop  _  isProp¬ _) (ℤ.neg-neg n)
  Iso.leftInv i (n , r) = Σ≡Prop  _  isProp¬ _) (ℤ.neg-neg n)

non-matched-indep² : {a b : dArrows} (r : reachable a b) (nm : non-matched b)  non-matched-indep (reachable-sym r) (non-matched-indep r nm)  nm
non-matched-indep² (n , r) (m , nm) = Σ≡Prop  _  isProp¬ _) (ℤ.+-assoc (ℤ.neg n) n m  cong  k  k ℤ.+ m) (ℤ.neg+≡0 n)  ℤ.zero-+ m)

is-non-matched : dArrows  Type₀
is-non-matched a =  non-matched a ∥₁

is-non-matched-isProp : (a : dArrows)  isProp (is-non-matched a)
is-non-matched-isProp a = isPropPropTrunc

non-matched-chain-hP : Chains  hProp ℓ-zero
non-matched-chain-hP c = [].elim  _  isSetHProp)  a  is-non-matched (fw a) , is-non-matched-isProp (fw a)) indep c
    indep : (a b : Arrows) (r : is-reachable-arr a b)  _≡_ {A = hProp ℓ-zero} (is-non-matched (fw a) , is-non-matched-isProp (fw a)) (is-non-matched (fw b) , is-non-matched-isProp (fw b))
    indep a b r = Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsProp) (ua (isoToEquiv i))
      i : Iso (is-non-matched (fw a)) (is-non-matched (fw b))
      i = iso h k sec ret
        h : is-non-matched (fw a)  is-non-matched (fw b)
        h ¬a =  {!!} , {!!} ∣₁ -- the goal type
        --is a proposition so we can eliminate r to obtain an integer j for which iterate j (fw b) = a.
        --we can also eliminate ¬a for the same reason. we get then an integer i such that
        --¬ matched (arrow (iterate i (fw a)))  
        --by subst we obtain a proof of ¬ matched (arrow (iterate i (iterate j (fw b)))
        --hence a proof of ¬ matched (arrow (iterate (i+j) (fw b)) because iterate is an action
        --so we can fill the first hole with (i + j) and the second one with with the proof we obtained.
        k : is-non-matched (fw b)  is-non-matched (fw a)
        k ¬b =  {!!} , {!!} ∣₁ --same as above
        sec : section h k
        sec = {!!}  --is-non-matched is a prop so trivial
        ret : retract h k
        ret = {!!} --is-non-matched is a prop so trivial

non-matched-chain : (c : Chains)  Type₀
non-matched-chain c = fst (non-matched-chain-hP c)

non-matched-chain-isProp : (c : Chains)  isProp (non-matched-chain c)
non-matched-chain-isProp c = snd (non-matched-chain-hP c)

slope : dArrows  Type₀
slope a = sequential a × is-non-matched a

slope-chain : Chains  Type₀
slope-chain c = sequential-chain c × non-matched-chain c

slope-chain-isProp : (c : Chains)  isProp (slope-chain c)
slope-chain-isProp c = isProp× (sequential-chain-isProp c) (non-matched-chain-isProp c)