Library to write pandoc filters.
Attributes: identifier, classes, key/values.
type list_attributes = int * list_number_style * list_number_delim
The width of a table column, as a percentage of the text width.
The number of columns taken up by the row head of each row of a 'TableBody'. The row body takes up the remaining columns.
type inline =
| Code of attr * string |
| Emph of inline list |
| Image of attr * inline list * target |
| Link of attr * inline list * target |
| Quoted of quote_type * inline list |
| RawInline of string * string |
| Space |
| SmallCaps of inline list |
| Str of string |
| Underline of inline list |
| Strong of inline list |
| Strikeout of inline list |
| Superscript of inline list |
| Subscript of inline list |
| Cite of citation list * inline list |
| SoftBreak |
| LineBreak |
| Math of math_type * string |
| Note of block list |
| Span of attr * inline list |
| UnhandledInline of Yojson.Basic.t |
Inline elements.
and block =
| BulletList of block list list |
| CodeBlock of attr * string |
| Header of int * attr * inline list |
| OrderedList of list_attributes * block list list |
| Para of inline list |
| Plain of inline list |
| RawBlock of format * string |
| Div of attr * block list |
| LineBlock of inline list list |
| BlockQuote of block list |
| DefinitionList of (inline list * block list list) list |
| HorizontalRule |
| Table of attr * caption * col_spec list * table_head * table_body list * table_foot |
| Figure of attr * caption * block list |
| UnhandledBlock of Yojson.Basic.t |
Block elements.
and citation =
| Citation of {
} |
The caption of a table or figure, with optional short caption.
and short_caption = inline list
A short caption, for use in, for instance, lists of figures.
A body of a table, with an intermediate head, intermediate body, and the specified number of row header columns in the intermediate body.
val of_json : Yojson.Basic.t -> t
Internal representation from JSON representation.
val to_json : t -> Yojson.Basic.t
JSON representation from internal representation.
val of_md_file : string -> t
Construct representation of a markdown file.
val api_version : t -> int list
API version.
type meta_value =
| MetaBool of bool |
| MetaInlines of inline list |
| MetaString of string |
| MetaMap of (string * meta_value) list |
| MetaList of meta_value list |
| MetaBlocks of block list |
| MetaUnhandled of Yojson.Basic.t |
val meta : t -> (string * meta_value) list
Document metadata.
val meta_bool : t -> string -> bool
Value of a boolean metadata.
val meta_string : t -> string -> string
Value of a string metadata.
val set_meta : t -> string -> meta_value -> t
Add a metadata value
General mapping function which maps a function on blocks and a function on inlines. If the functions return None
the mapping is further recursed into.
Map a function to every block. If the function returns None
then the block is further recursed into.