* OCaml bindings to glpk. Please see the glpk manual for further explanations * on the semantics of functions. * * Warning: contrarily to the C version of glpk, all indexes are 0-based. * *
Type of bounds of an auxiliary variable.
type prob_class =
| Linear_prog | (* linear programming *) |
| Mixed_integer_prog | (* mixed integer programming *) |
Class of a problem.
Kind of a variable.
The problem has no rows/columns, or the initial basis is invalid, or the initial basis matrix is singular or ill-conditionned.
The LP basis is invalid beacause the number of basic variables is not the same as the number of rows.
The objective function being minimized has reached its lower limit and continues decreasing.
The objective function being maximized has reached its upper limit and continues increasing.
Failure of the solver (the current basis matrix got singular or ill-conditionned).
val new_problem : unit -> lp
Create a new linear programmation problem.
val make_problem : direction -> float array -> float array array -> (float * float) array -> (float * float) array -> lp
make_problem dir zcoefs constrs pbounds xbounds
creates the new linear programmation problem where Z = Sum_i zcoefs.(i)
* x_ i should be optimized in the direction dir
under the constraints fst pbounds.(i)
<= p_i <= snd pbounds.(i)
and fst xbounds.(i)
<= x_i <= snd xbounds.(i)
where p_i = Sum_j constrs.(i).(j)
* x_j. The bounds may be +
/ - infinity
val read_cplex : string -> lp
Read problem data in CPLEX LP format from a file.
val write_cplex : lp -> string -> unit
Write prblem data in CPLEX LP format into a file.
val set_prob_name : lp -> string -> unit
Set the problem name.
val get_prob_name : lp -> string
Retrieve the problem name.
val set_class : lp -> prob_class -> unit
Set the problem class.
val get_class : lp -> prob_class
Retrieve the problem class.
val set_obj_name : lp -> string -> unit
Set the objective name.
val get_obj_name : lp -> string
Retrieve the objective name.
val add_rows : lp -> int -> unit
Add rows.
val get_num_rows : lp -> int
Retreive the number of rows.
val set_row_name : lp -> int -> string -> unit
Set the name of a row.
val get_row_name : lp -> int -> string
Retrieve the name of a row.
val set_row_bounds : lp -> int -> aux_var_type -> float -> float -> unit
Set a row bound.
val add_columns : lp -> int -> unit
Add columns.
val get_num_cols : lp -> int
Retreive the number of columns.
val set_col_name : lp -> int -> string -> unit
Set the name of a column.
val get_col_name : lp -> int -> string
Retrieve the name of a column.
val set_col_bounds : lp -> int -> aux_var_type -> float -> float -> unit
Set a column boudaries.
val set_obj_coef : lp -> int -> float -> unit
Set an objective coefficient.
val load_matrix : lp -> float array array -> unit
Load a constraint matrix.
val load_sparse_matrix : lp -> ((int * int) * float) array -> unit
Load a sparse constraint matrix stored as an array whose elements are of the * form ((row, column), value) indicating non-null elements of the matrix.
val scale_problem : lp -> unit
Scale problem data.
val unscale_problem : lp -> unit
Unscale problem data.
val warm_up : lp -> unit
Warm up the LP basis for the specified problem object using current statuses assigned to rows and columns.
val simplex : lp -> unit
Solve an LP problem using the simplex method. You must use builtin presolver * (see use_presolver
) to get an exception if the problem has no feasible * solution.
val interior : lp -> unit
Solve an LP problem using the primal-dual interior point method.
val branch_and_bound : lp -> unit
Solve a MIP proble using the branch-and-bound method.
val branch_and_bound_opt : lp -> unit
Solve a MIP proble using and optimized version of the branch-and-bound method.
val get_obj_val : lp -> float
Retrieve objective value.
val get_col_primal : lp -> int -> float
Get the primal value of the structural variable associated with a column.
val get_col_primals : lp -> float array
Get the primal values of the structural variables associated with each column.
val get_row_primal : lp -> int -> float
Get the primal value of the structural variable associated with a row.
val get_row_dual : lp -> int -> float
Get the dual value of the structural variable associated with a row.
val set_message_level : lp -> int -> unit
Set the level of messages output by sover routines. The second argument might be:
val use_presolver : lp -> bool -> unit
Use the builtin LP-presolver in simplex
val set_simplex_iteration_count : lp -> int -> unit
Initialize the simplex iteration counter.
val reset_simplex_iteration_count : lp -> unit
Reset the simplex iteration counter.
val get_simplex_iteration_count : lp -> int
This number is incremented after each simplex iteration.
val set_simplex_iteration_limit : lp -> int -> unit
Set the maximum number of iterations that simplex
should do.
val get_simplex_iteration_limit : lp -> int
Retrieve the maximum number of iterations that simplex
should do.
val set_simplex_time_limit : lp -> float -> unit
Set the maximum amount of time that simplex
should take.
val get_simplex_time_limit : lp -> float
Retrieve the maximum amount of time that simplex
should take.