Operations on stereo streams.
type 'a t = ('a * 'a) stream
A stereo stream.
val of_mono : 'a -> 'a t
Create from mono stream.
val blank : float t
Blank stereo stream.
val noise : unit -> (float * float) t
val delay :
?ping_pong:float ->
unit ->
?dry:float ->
?wet:float ->
?feedback:float ->
float ->
(float * sample) ->
(float * float) t
val amp : float -> (float * float) -> (float * float) t
val to_mono : (float * float) -> float t
Convert to mono.
val left : ('a * 'b) -> 'a t
Left channel.
val right : ('a * 'b) -> 'b t
Right channel.
Dephase channels by given delay.
Pan the sound according to a number between -1 (full left) and 1 (full right). Various pan laws can be used.
val agc : unit -> (float * float) -> (float * float) t
Automatic gain control.
module Envelope : sig ... end
module Slicer : sig ... end
val freeverb :
unit ->
?roomsize:float ->
?damp:float ->
?width:float ->
?wet:float ->
?dry:float ->
(float * float) ->
(float * float) t
The freeverb reverberation.
val converb : ?duration:float -> unit -> (float * float) -> (float * float) t
Testing reverb with convolution with noise.