Module Sequencer.Event

type note = {
  1. note_channel : int;
  2. note_note : int;
  3. note_velocity : int;
  4. note_off_velocity : int;
  5. note_duration : int;
type controller = {
  1. controller_channel : int;
  2. controller_param : int;
  3. controller_value : int;
type t =
  1. | System of int * int
  2. | Result of int * int
  3. | Note of note
  4. | Note_on of note
  5. | Note_off of note
  6. | Keypress of note
  7. | Controller of controller
  8. | Program_change of controller
  9. | Channel_pressure of controller
  10. | Pitch_bend of controller
  11. | Unhandled of int